Each Monday on the Stability, Permanency and Adoption blog we will provide a round-up of news from the past week that you may have missed. Today’s news round up:
Celebration of National Adoption Day. “Twenty-three children at the Pottawattamie County Courthouse officially left foster care status Saturday – becoming members of a family on National Adoption Day.” Read more here.
Children of undocumented immigrants in foster care due to parent’s placement in detention centers. “In a yearlong investigation, the Applied Research Center, which publishes Colorlines.com, found that at least 5,100 children whose parents are detained or deported are currently in foster care around the United States.” Read the investigation here.
Foster-care adoptions in Oklahoma increased 64% over the past 9 years, compared to 3% nation-wide according to a new OK Department of Human Services report. The increase can be mainly attributed to the new focus at DHS on adopting children more quickly, agency spokeswoman Sheree Powell said.” Read more here.
Families in S. Dakota concerned about the end of adoption tax credits. “Since 1997, the adoption tax credit has helped thousands of middle-income American families defray the high costs of adoption. In 2001, Congress extended those credits until Dec. 31, 2010, increased the initial maximum credit and indexed that maximum so it would go up because of inflation.” Read more here.
Russian government upset over sentencing of American couple in the death of their adopted son. “Pennsylvania authorities said the parents had abused and neglected the boy. Expert witnesses testified that he had fetal alcohol syndrome, but it was not clear whether that played any role in his death. A jury acquitted the Cravers of murder, but concluded they were negligent and responsible for the death. They were convicted in September of involuntary manslaughter and freed pending sentencing.” Read more here.
S. Korea sends most number of children for international adoption to U.S., according to 2011 Annual report. According to the statistics by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, among the total 2,475 Korean children who were adopted last year, 1,013 were adopted overseas. Despite its respectable economic status as the world’s 13th largest economy, Korea is still sending 40 percent of children who are up for adoption overseas.” Read more here.
Sweden issues a formal apology to its foster care alum for “having failed to provide them with a safe upbringing.” “Society was responsible for making sure that you were provided with a good upbringing, but instead you were abandoned.” However, according to Westerberg, the revelations of abuse and neglect from the testimonies of the foster children has appalled all of society. “And today Sweden officially admits its failure,” he said.” Read more here.
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