Project Description

Authors: Kristine Piescher, Katy Armendariz, & Traci LaLiberte
Date Published: 2008

This report is based on a comprehensive review of empirical literature conducted between October 15, 2008 and November 30, 2008 by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) at the University of Minnesota’s School of Social Work. The report was developed under the auspices of Federal Title IV-E Funding, CASCW, and the Foster Family-Based Treatment Association (FFTA) as part of the Technical Assistance to FFTA Project.

The executive summary of this report highlights the key findings and discusses potential practice implications for treatment foster care agencies interested in implementing research-based practices for involving TFC parents in permanency planning for adolescents. The complete findings are presented in the full text of the report, which includes a comprehensive review of literature on the needs of treatment foster care adolescents and methods for involving TFC foster parents in the permanency planning process. An annotated bibliography of pertinent research is also included in the full text of the report. A Quick Reference Guide, which provides key findings and empirically-based relationships among evidence-based practices for involving foster parents in permanency planning and key child welfare outcomes, accompanies this report (see Appendix I).


  • Executive Summary (PDF)—Highlights the key findings and discusses potential practice implications for treatment foster care (TFC) agencies interested in implementing research-based practices for TFC parent involvement in permanency planning.
  • Complete Report—Includes complete findings, comprehensive literature review on the needs of TFC adolescents and methods for involving TFC foster parents in permanency planning, and an annotated bibliography.
  • Quick Reference Guide (PDF)—Provides key findings and empirically-based relationships among evidence-based practices for involving foster parents in permanency planning and key child welfare outcomes.