Child Welfare Policy & Practice Blogs

Legislative Task Force on Child Protection Update: Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council Recommendations Presented

By |2015-10-21T16:03:32-05:00October 21st, 2015|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The latest Legislative Task Force on Child Protection meeting on October 13, 2015, featured a presentation by several tribal child welfare leaders, representing the recommendations of 11 Tribal Nations in Minnesota. Ted Waukey, Family Preservation Supervisor with Mille Lacs Family Services, began with a historical overview of federal policy that adversely affected American Indians, pushing [...]

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Revised Child Maltreatment Intake, Screening and Response Path Guidelines have been released

By |2015-10-19T14:22:04-05:00October 19th, 2015|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , |

The Legislative Task Force on the Protection of Children is tasked with ensuring that the timelines outlined in the child protection provisions passed by the legislature in 2015 are met. October 1, 2015, was the deadline for updating the Child Maltreatment Intake, Screening and Response Path Guidelines that are to be implemented by all child [...]

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“The Art of Social Work” – Reflections from the Field on Child Protection Court

By |2016-12-01T19:32:53-06:00October 9th, 2015|Categories: Field Notes|Tags: , , |

An important skill for all social workers is the ability to critically reflect upon the work they are engaged in. MSW IV-E students are asked to keep a field journal to reflect on growth, experiences, strengths, challenges, difficulties, successes, supervision, etc. from their field placement. At times, they write about integration of theory into practice, [...]

Attachment: Providing a Sense of Competency and Empowerment For Vulnerable Children in High-Risk Families

By |2016-12-01T19:32:53-06:00October 2nd, 2015|Categories: Field Notes|Tags: , , , |

Esther Wattenberg, September 2015 From time to time, a concerned visitor to my office will make a polite inquiry, after glancing at my cluttered desk: Have I heard of something called a “filing cabinet”? My muffled response is usually along these lines: “Yes, and I hope that person received the Nobel Prize for invention.” Occasionally, [...]

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MSW IV-E Students Attend DHS Child Welfare Foundation Training

By |2016-12-01T19:32:53-06:00October 2nd, 2015|Categories: Field Notes|Tags: , , , , |

Earlier this week, advanced year IV-E MSW students from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and the University of Minnesota Duluth attended classroom 2 of DHS' Child Welfare Foundation Training (CWFT).  Prior to this classroom training, all students completed 10 on-line learning modules. Foundation Training meets the statutory requirement {Minn. Stat. 626.559, subd. 1a} for [...]

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Girls’ Aggression and Child Welfare Social Work: Blog 13, Systems Change Through Relationship-Based Interviews

By |2016-12-01T19:32:53-06:00September 29th, 2015|Categories: Featured@CASCW|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

By Jane F. Gilgun and Samantha Hirschey, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA In previous blogs, we discussed relational interviews as a means of getting to know young people and building circles of trust. In this blog, we show how relational interviews can create change in systems that are punitive when young people act in [...]

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Girls’ Aggression in Child Welfare Series Final Blog: 2 New YouTube Videos on Girls’ Aggression

By |2016-12-01T19:32:53-06:00September 28th, 2015|Categories: Featured@CASCW|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As we complete the Girls' Aggression in Child Welfare blog series we would like to share with you two wonderful videos that Professor Jane Gilgun has created along with this series. Video 1: Girls Aggression in Child Welfare Caseloads Part 1: Relational & Physical Aggression Girls' aggression is a growing concern. This video shows how [...]

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Girls’ Aggression and Child Welfare Social Work: Blog 12, Relationship-Based Intervention Programs

By |2016-12-01T19:32:53-06:00September 28th, 2015|Categories: Featured@CASCW|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

By Jane F. Gilgun and Samantha Hirschey, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA There are many interventions programs for children with aggression issues. Some are school-based, some involve both schools and families, and some are primarily family-based. Some make efforts to address issues of racial disproportionality, but, for the most part, this remains an issue [...]

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