Our colleague at the Department of Social Work, College of Nursing and Professional Disciplines, University of North Dakota is conducting research on social media use in child welfare. Dr. Melanie Sage’s survey is open to child welfare administrators, workers, and interns. The survey will close this Friday, September 26, so if you haven’t yet responded and would like to, please do so before then!

Here is Dr. Sage’s letter:

Dear child welfare administrators, workers, and child welfare interns,

I am conducting a study to learn about the experiences of child welfare workers related to social media. This survey takes approximately fifteen minutes to complete, and will help us understand the current use, agency policies, and needs for training related to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. In the survey, participants are asked about their current use of social media, where they access social media, what kind of education they have received related to social media, about the policies and practices of their agencies, and about their opinions of appropriate social media use.

We ask that survey participants are currently child welfare workers or completing a university-supervised field placement in a child welfare setting.

Please consider completing this brief survey. If you decide at any time you do not want to complete the survey, you can easily exit out. The survey is anonymous. There is more information about your rights as a survey participant at this survey link:

If you are a child welfare administrator and a professor, please consider passing this survey along to your employees/students in child welfare settings. If you feel that sending this survey link to your students constitutes your own participation in research, you should consult with your IRB about your institution’s requirements.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Melanie Sage, PhD, LICSW
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work, College of Nursing and Professional Disciplines
701-777-1224/[email protected]