Rachel Madison, first year MSW IV-E student (left) Jennifer Bulmer, MSW, LICSW Field Instructor (right)
Below, first year IV-E MSW student, Rachel Madison writes about her foundation field experience at a level four school setting where she works with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Emotional Behavioral Disorders, and Developmental Cognitive Disorders
“Sometimes I feel mad. I can take five deep breaths. Sometimes I feel mad. I can count to ten slowly. Sometimes I feel mad. I can think happy thoughts. I can think about pizza. I can think about computer. I can think about McDonald’s. Sometimes I am mad. I know what to do. I have skills to change.”
A simple script with very simple actions attached, may seem extremely basic. To the kiddos at Karner Blue Education Center, these words have been life changing. Interning at this level four school a part of Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District has been an absolutely amazing experience. I have never witnessed such dedicated staff, willing to do anything to help the success of their students. Full of amazing resources and opportunities, Karner Blue has taught me so much over the past few months. The greatest skill I have been able to observe is passion. My supervisor, Jenn Bulmer, is one of the most passionate people I have ever met. Helping to create the school wide program, ART (Aggression Replacement Training), she has embraced the importance of creating lessons that all students can get behind and learn from. ART was originally written for high school age EBD students, however Jenn pairing with another staff, Heather Cronin, made this approach appropriate for our elementary students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The script listed above is apart of the program that helps highly elevated students, deescalate to a safe level. Beyond ART, the amount of individualized programs and lessons available to help our children is inspiring. Children that may be deemed as unsuccessful in a traditional school setting are making incredible strides academically, socially, and beyond at Karner Blue. The staff will try any and every strategy, thinking outside of the box to serve their students. This passion has been contagious in this school by being around such motivating individuals. I want to make a difference in the student’s lives I am serving, and like the staff I am surrounded by, I pledge to never give up on a child, they all have the skills to change.