Hope you’re enjoying the excellent weather we’ve been having here in Minnesota. As the weather gets nicer and the urge to go outside becomes stronger, check out some of the committee hearings pertaining to child welfare at the Capitol building and State Office Building. If you’d like more information about these bills and their relevance to child welfare policy, make sure to review our bill tracking sheet.
Monday, March 19
10 AM: House Rules and Legislative Administration, Basement State Office Building (SOB)
- HF2738 (Kiffmeyer) Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
6 PM: House Ways & Means, 200 SOB
- HF1945 (Gottwalt) Criminal neglect of vulnerable adult penalty modified.
Tuesday, March 20
8:15 AM: House Judiciary Policy and Finance, 10 SOB
- HF2232 (Drazkowski) Department of Human Services data sharing required, public assistance fraud investigation required, and eligibility determinations required.
- HF876 (Smith) Court hearing opening modified in delinquency or extended jurisdiction juvenile proceedings.
- HF749 (Smith) Family Reunification Act of 2011 created.
8:15 AM: Senate Committee on Taxes, 15 Capitol
- SF2448 (Ortman) LGA setting 2013 payments equal to 2012.
10:15 AM: House Government Operations and Elections, 5 SOB
- SF1135 (Gottwalt) Maternal and Child Health Advisory Task Force extended.
10:30 AM: House Data Practices Subcommittee, 118 Capitol
- HF1967 (Abeler) Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
12:30 PM: House Health and Human Services Finance, 200 SOB
- HF2901 (Huntley) Health and human services appropriations adjustments made, health care and continuing care changes made, program eligibility requirements modified, human services licensing and provider screening changes made, fees established and fee schedules modified, and money appropriated.
- Governor’s budget presentation, DHS and MDH
2:30 PM: House Health and Human Services Reform, 200 SOB
- HF2223 (Abeler) Alcohol and drug counselor and licensed counselor licensing provisions changed.
Wednesday, March 21
10:30AM: Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, 15 Capitol
- SF1877 (Hoffman) Welfare fraud prevention provisions, drivers license photos access authorization, drivers licenses authenticity verification requirement, drug conviction search requirement and drug offenders welfare eligibility exclusion.
IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SENATE SESSION (starts at 12pm): Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 107 Capitol
- SF1577 (Newman) Constitutional amendment for voter presentation of government-issued photographic identification (photo ID)
12:30 PM: House Civil Law, 10 SOB
- HF1967 (Abeler) Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
12:30 PM: House Health and Human Services Finance, 200 SOB
- HF2294 (Abeler) Group residential housing provider supplementary rate provided, general assistance program modified, and early childhood learning and child protection facilities modified.
**NOTE: HF2294 is the vehicle for the HHS Finance Omnibus bill. A delete everything amendment will be posted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, March 20 with the contents of the Omnibus bill.
1 PM: Senate Committee on State Government Innovation and Veterans, 123 Capitol
- SF1650 (Nelson) State agency reorganization study requirement.
2:30 PM: House Health and Human Services Reform, 200 SOB
- HF1683 (Norton) Foster care licensing moratorium exception created.
- HF2252 (Lohmer) Residential campus for individuals with autism plan development by the commissioner of human services instructed.
6 PM: Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, 15 Capitol
- SF1402 (Wolf) Children’s Equal and Shared Parenting Act; joint physical custody presumption establishment; parenting plans requirement (The A-7 delete everything amendment will be taken up.).
Thursday, March 15
8:15 AM: House Judiciary Policy and Finance, 10 SOB
- HF2059 (Woodard) Public defender representation, appointment, and reimbursement obligation provisions modified; public defender, counsel in CHIPS cases, pretrial appeals, and standby counsel costs financial responsibility outlined; appellate process working group established.
- HF322 (Scott) Custody and parenting time provisions changed.
10:15 AM: House Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance, 10 SOB
- HF2220 (Poppe) Unreasonable restraint of children demonstrable harm level changed.
12:30 PM: House Health and Human Services Finance, 200 SOB
- HF2294 (Abeler) Group residential housing provider supplementary rate provided, general assistance program modified, and early childhood learning and child protection facilities modified. HHS Finance Omnibus Bill
Remember, most, if not all, can be viewed live online at either the Senate or House websites, and often they archive their videos fairly quickly to be viewed later. You can also follow the Twitter hashtag #mnleg to see the community discussing activity in committee meetings.
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