Developed by: Wendy Haight, PhD and Sookyoung Park, MSW, PhD Candidate
Date published: August 2024

Asians make up the second largest immigrant group in the United States, and The Pew Research Center is predicting that Asians will become the largest immigrant group in the US by 2055. Zooming in on Minnesota, and Korean immigrants specifically, there are over 28,000 Koreans currently living in the state. This has impacts for child protection workers throughout Minnesota, especially when considering cultural differences. Dr. Wendy Haight and Sookyoung Park, MSW, PhD Candidate, bring you this helpful new infographic, Child Welfare and Korean Immigrants in Minnesota. Workers can learn about the history of Korean immigration, the “Model Minority” myth, as well as how to better understand and show cultural sensitivity towards Korean cultural norms, especially when it comes to discipline and interacting with Korean parents.