Prevention Action, an online news publication on issues related to improving child development and health around the world, published an article, “Stressed welfare systems impede evidence-based support for foster children” last week.
According to the article, a collaborative effort by rsearchers in the US and UK found that while several strong evidence-based interventions have been found to improve well-being for children and youth in out-of-home care, that these interventions are not being implemented because of system challenges.
The report cited several evidence-based interventions, including:
– Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC)
– Multidimentional Treatment Foste Care for Preschoolers
– Bucharest Early Intervention Project
– Incredible Years Parenting Program
– Keeping Foster Parents Trained and Supported (KEEP)
– Middle School Success (MSS)
– Fostering Individualized Assistance Program
These promising interventions were all found through rigorous research to have improved the well-being of children and youth in foster care, yet according to the authors, were not implemented because of the challenges of the child welfare system – including high case loads, staff retention issues, and a system that has to respond to immediate crises and high stress situations.
The authors state that child well-being should be the focus – as a strong priority on well-being leads to greater outcomes regarding safety and permanency.
For the article, click here.